Are you dragging?
Give your energy a boost in just 8 minutes with this fun Texas Hold ‘Em dance workout!
Music and exercise are each a great way to energize your mind and your body.
Put the two together and you get a double whammy!
Getting moving is a challenge if you’re already feeling sluggish and are a little down.
But, if you can just get active for 5 to 10 minutes, you may be surprised by how different you can feel.
How does this happen?
Exercise increases the oxygen circulation throughout your body as well as your hormone levels.
This in turn increases your energy levels.
Music creates an environment for movement.
It boosts your endorphins, helping lift your mood and giving you a feeling of well being.
Combined, music and exercise can be a great pick-me-up any time of day.
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that we have the ability to create our own happiness or mood each day.
One of the healthy options of course would be exercise, especially the type you can enjoy.
Maybe we should also have a list on our refrigerator as a reminder of those things we enjoy doing that make us feel good in addition to music and exercise.
So give this 8 minute Texas Hold ‘Em dance workout a go and let’s elevate the neurotransmitters in our brain like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin with healthy practices such as exercise.
Hope it makes you smile!
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