by Cindy Brehse | Mar 6, 2019
Senior Strength Workouts Browse all our strength videos by scrolling down, or search for something specific using the search bar below! Search for: STRENGTH Staying strong means staying independent! Tone your stomach and promote good alignment in your spine Use...
by Cindy Brehse | Feb 14, 2019
Senior Fitness Programs & Products Shop my exercise programs for seniors and the products I’ve mentioned in my videos. If you have questions about any of them, feel free to email me! 15 Minute Workouts DVD: $21.95 Full Body Tone & Firm DVD: $19.95 Total...
by Cindy Brehse | Jan 31, 2019 | Lifestyle, Strength, Stretching
Many folks have asked me through the years if there was a way to measure their level of fitness based on their age. Good question, because how do you know if all your workout efforts are providing positive results? This senior fitness test was designed to do just...
by Cindy Brehse | Jan 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
It’s truly amazing what you can accomplish through diet and exercise. You’ve heard me say it before, but sometimes it helps too see a real-world example of how changing your nutrition and behavior can lead to major changes in your life. Today I’m introducing you to...
by Cindy Brehse | Dec 29, 2018 | Cardio, Strength, Workout Videos
This video is a great example of a HIIT workout for seniors that does not include the extreme impact of burpees, squat jumps, power moves with dumbbells or other moves that could cause injuries for our age group. What is HIIT? HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval...