Better Balance For Seniors

Better Balance For Seniors

If you’re wondering how to get better balance, you’ve come to the right place. Testing our balance in different ways helps stimulate our balance reflexes and our brain as well. This video is designed to change up our exercises so that we can ward off the...
Seated HIIT Workout For Seniors

Seated HIIT Workout For Seniors

This seated HIIT workout is a great option for those who have limited mobility or who are recovering from injury, but still want to reap the benefits of high intensity interval training. Why Do A Seated HIIT Workout? The heart is an amazing organ. It pumps blood...
10 Minute Gentle Stretch With A Big Ball

10 Minute Gentle Stretch With A Big Ball

This gentle stretch routine uses a big ball to loosen up your muscles in new ways. Mixing it up is good for your body and your mind! As seniors, it is now more important than ever to include stretches in our daily routine. With just 10 to 15 minutes every day, over...
Relieve Stiff Hands In The Morning

Relieve Stiff Hands In The Morning

If you suffer from stiff hands in the morning, it can be scary waking up and being unable to use your hands. Preparing your morning coffee, making breakfast and getting dressed can all be a challenge if your fingers are stiff and locked. For some folks, medication...