by Cindy Brehse | Jan 7, 2020 | Pain Relief, Stretching, Workout Videos
Back pain stretches and back strengthening are some of the most requested exercises I get in my classes. It can sneak up on you even if you haven’t done anything to strain your back. What gives? As we age, we become less active with more sitting than in our...
by Cindy Brehse | Dec 31, 2019 | Cardio, Strength, Workout Videos
Burn, burn, burn those calories with this fat burning HIIT workout. HIIT, or high intensity interval training, is a fun way to mix up your weekly routines of cardio. It’s not to be done everyday due to the high impact on the muscles and joints. HIIT is simply a...
by Cindy Brehse | Dec 18, 2019 | Strength, Workout Videos
It only takes 15 minutes with this resistance band arm workout three times a week, and in a few months you will see a marked improvement in the definition of the muscles of your arms. But you must stay vigilant, doing it three times a week and give it three months to...
by Cindy Brehse | Dec 10, 2019 | Cardio, Workout Videos
In this cumbia dance workout, we’ll take a few minutes and just get away from the merry-go-round that we allow ourselves to get on. If we let it, it keeps moving faster and faster until we are exhausted. Just a few minutes to jump off that ride can give you...
by Cindy Brehse | Dec 4, 2019 | Pain Relief, Workout Videos
There are so many stretches to help alleviate that nagging low back pain. If plan A or B doesn’t work, remember there are still 24 more letters in the alphabet, so keep searching for the ones that work for you. Stability ball moves are a great way to get movement to...
by Cindy Brehse | Nov 27, 2019 | Cardio, Workout Videos
This high energy, quick Zumba workout will really get your blood pumping! It’s just three minutes and is a great way to snap out of an afternoon funk, get a quick energy burst in the middle of the day or to use as a warm-up for a longer workout. Benefits of a...