by Cindy Brehse | Sep 10, 2020 | Strength, Workout Videos
With this compound training workout, it’s bye bye, bat wings and hello, strong hips! What is compound training? It’s a method that allows us to see the benefits of alternating between the upper body and lower body with regards to weight training. Many...
by Cindy Brehse | Sep 3, 2020 | Cardio, Workout Videos
This beginner dance workout video will help you learn basic steps that will get you moving and help you have some fun grooving. It’s perfect for when you just feel like dancing to get your exercise but don’t know where to start. It’s also good on a day...
by Cindy Brehse | Aug 20, 2020 | Cardio, Workout Videos
Okay, so I just watched some professionals doing Flamenco dance and wow…quite an art! No comparison to this number, yet we can still have fun with the music and the attitude and just move to feel alive. Background on Flamenco Dance While its roots aren’t...
by Cindy Brehse | Aug 13, 2020 | Cardio, Workout Videos
Let’s get going and do this 30-minute medium impact aerobics video together. It’s never too late to get started! Benefits of Doing An Aerobics Video Exercise has a positive effect on our immune system, which is so important right now. The more we move,...
by Cindy Brehse | Aug 6, 2020 | Workout Videos, Cardio
This 20 minute walking workout can be done in the comfort of your home. Did you know experts suggest walking over running as the preferred form of exercise for many people? Though running is more challenging, it’s rough on the body and leaves us more prone to...
by Cindy Brehse | Jul 23, 2020 | Strength, Workout Videos
I love stability ball exercise because it helps you improve your strength, endurance and balance all at once. Because you’re performing the moves on an unstable surface, your muscles are forced to work harder and you target new ones you wouldn’t normally hit...