by Cindy Brehse | Jan 7, 2020 | Pain Relief, Stretching, Workout Videos
Back pain stretches and back strengthening are some of the most requested exercises I get in my classes. It can sneak up on you even if you haven’t done anything to strain your back. What gives? As we age, we become less active with more sitting than in our...
by Cindy Brehse | Oct 23, 2019 | Workout Videos, Pain Relief, Stretching
These sciatica exercises will help relieve sciatica pain, which can range from mildly annoying to downright debilitating. What Is Sciatica Pain? Sciatica is pain that can travel along the sciatica nerve from your hip all the way down to your heel. It is the longest...
by Cindy Brehse | Oct 9, 2019 | Pain Relief, Stretching, Workout Videos
Sometimes sleeping in the wrong position can leave us with a stiff neck, unable to turn our head from side to side. It’s very annoying and sometimes painful. Other triggers can be a long driving trip hunched over the steering wheel or time spent working hunched over...
by Cindy Brehse | Oct 2, 2019 | Stretching, Workout Videos
This week’s video is a short QiGong practice for beginners to help stress melt away. Stress can take a larger toll on our bodies then we realize. When you are under ongoing stress, your nervous system releases a flood of adrenaline and cortisol which rev up your...
by admin | Sep 11, 2019 | Stretching, Workout Videos
Doing stretches after walking will help you reap the full benefits of your workout. This video will show you a few simple post-walk stretches to help your body cool down. Many folks set out with good intentions on their daily walk, but afterward neglect to lengthen...
by Cindy Brehse | Jul 24, 2019 | Workout Videos, Pain Relief, Stretching
Why Do Seated Yoga? Studies have shown that all types of yoga, from seated yoga to hot yoga and beyond, have benefits. Rebalancing the body and bolstering the immune system are two high on my list. With steady yoga practice, over time you should also feel more...