by Cindy Brehse | Sep 16, 2021 | Strength, Workout Videos
Mix up your strength training with this medicine ball full body workout! Not only does your brain want to be challenged, but so do your muscles. Trying a new form of exercise wakes up the muscles and sharpens your brain. In this medicine ball full body workout video,...
by Cindy Brehse | Sep 3, 2021 | Cardio, Workout Videos
Need a quick lunch break cardio workout? Here’s a fun 15-minute exercise you can sneak in just before your lunch break and still have time to grab a midday meal. It is so important to get 30 minutes of cardio five days a week. And the good news is that it can be...
by Cindy Brehse | Aug 19, 2021 | Balance, Workout Videos
Did you know that people who do balance practice exercises just naturally move with more elegance and confidence than folks who let this skill deteriorate? It actually makes them appear more youthful than those who have to think about their every step when moving. By...
by Cindy Brehse | Jul 30, 2021 | Strength, Workout Videos
Having strong muscles and bones is key to remaining independent the rest of our lives…and IT STARTS NOW! NOT LATER. If we don’t use our muscles and bones, they have no reason to remain strong and begin to waste away. But if they are used to being called...
by Cindy Brehse | Jul 15, 2021 | Cardio, Workout Videos
Make this 30 minute guided walking workout pass quickly by listening to an audiobook from Chirp! Take 50% off your first purchase with promo code FITNESSCINDY50 by clicking here. Come walk with me for 30 minutes and improve your heart health, build stronger muscles,...