Fight the dreaded “dead butt syndrome” with this at home glute workout.
Dead butt syndrome is a new epidemic!
It has become widespread in recent years thanks to the increased amount of time folks are spending sitting in front of the TV, computer, desk jobs, or just living a sedentary lifestyle.
With prolonged sitting, the phrase “use it or lose it” definitely comes into play because the longer we sit, the more the tissues in our rear ends start to die off due to lack of motion.
Movement is what stimulates circulation to the area bringing the nutrients needed to feed the glute muscles and avoid “dead butt syndrome.”
Why Do An At Home Glute Workout?
The glute muscles help stabilize the pelvic region and hip bones.
If the muscles are weak or not firing properly, both low back and hip pain can plague you as well as balance and mobility issues.
While sitting less and incorporating simple movement like walking, biking, swimming, etc. may be enough, this at-home glute workout will not only fight the atrophy of these muscles but help give you a more toned and attractive look in your clothes.
If you find this workout helpful and feel comfortable getting down on an exercise mat for a little more work, check out this mat glute workout next.
Here’s to FEELING GOOD and beating dead butt syndrome for good!
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