Wondering if getting in shape at 50, 60 and beyond is possible? The answer is yes, it absolutely is!
However, your body is different than it was at 25. You’ll need to approach it a little differently, work at your own pace and use exercises that are tailored to your age group and fitness level.
And of course, talk with your doctor before starting any workout program.
Benefits Of Getting In Shape At 50+
Getting fit over 50 is beneficial for your physical health.
Not only will it help you lose weight and feel more confident in your clothes, it will help improve all of your key health metrics like blood pressure and A1C.
Plus, it can make a significant difference in your risk for developing chronic illness.
Physical benefits are obvious, but you might also be surprised at how much getting back in shape or doing so for the first time can benefit your mental health and overall sense of wellness.
You’ll have less anxiety, sleep better and feel your mood improve.
Finally, paying attention to our fitness as we age is essential if we want to stay independent and do all of the things that make life worthwhile.
ravel, spending time with family, hobbies, sports and other activities–none of it is possible (or at least, it’s a lot harder) if you’re in poor physical form.
So, follow these steps for getting in shape over 50.
9 Steps To Get In Shape Over 50
1. Move Your Body Daily
Regular exercise is key to maintaining strong muscles, flexibility, and balance.
Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week. T
his can include going to the gym, but it also includes activities like walking, cycling, swimming, dancing, Zumba, yoga, or online workout videos.
We have an entire library of more than 100 age-appropriate workout videos for seniors here.
We also offer a monthly fitness calendar with a video to get you moving every single day of the month. You can download it here!
2. Incorporate Strength Training
As we age, our muscles naturally begin to deteriorate and lose mass. This contributes to falls and broken bones, which we really want to avoid!
Keep those muscles strong and ready to support you by doing strength training several times per week.
Here are some good strength training videos for seniors to start with:
3. Follow A Healthy Diet
As a fitness professional, I wish I could say tha
t exercise alone was the answer to getting in shape. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Diet plays a big role, more than most of us would like to admit.
If you want to keep your weight (and all the other important health indicators) in check, eat a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
Cut out “white carbs” like white rice, white bread and added sugar as much as possible.
Download my ultimate list of ‘Flat Stomach Foods’ here!
4. Drink Plenty Of Water
Staying hydrated is very important for our overall health. It can also reduce fatigue and joint pain.
But you can’t just drink water; you should also work to eliminate beverages like juice and soda, which are packed with empty calories.
A few of my students have been amazed to see the changes that occur in their bodies simply by replacing juice and soda for water!
And you’re not just limited to plain old boring water. There are so many options today, like sparkling water/club soda.
You can even make your own naturally flavored water by infusing filtered water with cucumbers or strawberries.
5. Stretch
Do it every day.
Regular stretching can help improve flexibility and range of motion, and can also help reduce the risk of injury during physical activity.
Plus, it’s a great all-natural pain reliever.
Here are some more popular stretching videos:
6. Get Enough Sleep
While each person’s sleep needs will vary, aim for between seven and nine hours of sleep each night.
Many believe that older adults need less sleep than those in their 20s and 30s, but medical evidence says we need just as much sleep as everyone else.
Proper sleep helps your body recover from physical activity and maintain your overall health.
7. Stay Social
Maybe you’re still working full time, or perhaps you’re busy dealing with pain or chronic health conditions. If any of these are the case, your social life may not be a priority.
Believe it or not, participating in social activities and staying connected with friends and family is proven to have a significant impact on our overall health as we age.
Regular social interaction can help boost your mood and reduce stress, too.
So, make it a point to get out and be social a few times a month.
Even better if you can combine it with physical activity, like meeting a friend for a walk or making new ones at a group fitness class.
8. Find Exercise Cheats
Exercise doesn’t always have to mean carving out 30 minutes or an hour for a high-intensity sweat session.
Doctors agree it doesn’t matter how we stack up the workout time.
For example, doing three 10-minute workouts throughout the day offer the same health benefits as one moderate 30-minute workout. I love this fact!
Do whatever you can to work little bursts of exercise into your day.
When you’re getting up from your chair, throw in a few squats. Practice your balance while you’re standing at the kitchen counter (I demonstrate how to do this here!).
Take the stairs up to your appointment instead of the elevator. Put on some music and break out a few dance moves while you’re cleaning the house.
Whatever works! All of it is better than being sedentary.
9. Have A Support Team
You know your body best, but it helps to have a support team in your corner.
Personally, I have a nutritionist, an acupuncturist, a rheumatologist and a movement specialist helping me devise the best plan to keep me fit and healthy. And that’s in addition to my regular doctor!
Yes, it means I have lots of appointments throughout the month. But if the alternative is being in pain and unable to move, I will gladly work them into my schedule!
I hope this gives you confidence that YES, you can get in shape at 50, get fit at 60, build strength at 70, or accomplish whatever other fitness goal you have in mind.
Keep up the positive momentum by subscribing to my YouTube channel, where I post new free videos several times a month!
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