Try these self massage moves to relieve tension in the neck and shoulders.
Massages are a great way to get rid of stiffness and pain in the upper body, but not everyone can afford the cost or even the time to take advantage of this therapy.
And the shoulders are such a challenging spot to reach.
That’s where a ball in a sock can be a great tool for your own self massage to get rid of some of that stiffness and pain.
Why does massage feel so good?
Here are a few reasons it creates relief:
- Improved circulation to the area increases blood flow which carries the healing nutrients and oxygen to the painful area.
- Speeds recovery time by reducing inflammation.
- De-stresses and relaxes the tissues which, when tensed up, can lead to further pain.
- Helps improve alignment and range of motion to improve posture which may have been initiating the soreness.
- Increases quality of sleep which allows for more healing time for the affected areas.
- And with less pain, our sense of well being and mood can benefit.
Remember, instead of tolerating the pain for hours, just a few minutes of self care and love can make for a good day.
Just take the time and give this ball in the sock a try!
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