Most of us have had a day or two when we wake up feeling a bit stiff or achy.
This can happen to any one of us, but especially more so as we age.
It can also be the result of a bad sleeping position, overworking your muscles the day before or simply arthritis.
As we age, the cartilage that cushions our joints starts to dry up.
The joints also make less of the synovial fluid that helps lubricate them for smooth movement.
And with a lack of motion like sleeping, the synovial fluid tends to gel up causing this morning pain or lack of mobility.
There are a few things we can do to help combat this.
One is to move a bit before getting out of bed or on the edge of the bed before our morning coffee as seen in this video.
Sleeping is probably the longest stretch of inactivity in our day, and this inactivity can lead to a lack of mobility along with weaker muscles and joints that all lend themselves to soreness and the inability to move with ease.
I suggest gently coaxing the body with some loving moves to get everything loosened up and help get rid of the pain so that performing our daily tasks doesn’t become such a burden.
When having to work so hard to move, we can find ourselves tiring out quickly and becoming a bit depressed and even choosing to give up and just watch TV or sit at our computer longer…which will most likely make things worse!
So give this short routine a try.
Just do what you can and sort of float through the movies in your own style and maybe choose to do a little bit each day.
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